Web Design case Study

Wedding Flowers Florist

Website design & SEO for specialist wedding flowers florist in Tamworth, Sutton Coldfield, South Staffordshire and the West Midlands.
Perfect day Wedding Flowers Web design and SEO Tamworth

Tamworth Florist Website Redesign

Perfect Day Wedding Flowers’ Journey to Online Success

Perfect Day Wedding Flowers specialises in the production and supply of wedding flowers in Tamworth, Sutton Coldfield, South Staffordshire and the West Midlands.

They are not general florists – they only design and supply floral creations for weddings and special occasions. These specialist skills have resulted in them becoming one of the leading wedding florists in the area.

Tailored Website Redesign for Enhanced Online Presence

Perfect Day Wedding Flowers required a complete website redesign that was able to demonstrate their expertise in the field of wedding flowers as well as the large range of work that they undertake.

I achieved this by creating a professional-looking website with a light tone, that both conveys trust through the use of product-specific frequently asked questions and shows many examples of their work for each of the wedding flower products they create.

The website design needed to clearly reflect their brand identity and be clean and easy to navigate.

SEO Strategies: Dominating Local Searches and Expanding Reach

The wedding industry is a very competitive space and for Perfect Day Wedding Flowers to stand out, I did a lot of research into their keywords and competitor analysis.

Working with them, we drew up a list of keywords and phrases we wanted to target and built the structure of the website around them.

Although based in Tamworth, they wanted to target a broader area and now consistently rank in the top three of Google for many of their target keywords across Birmingham.

Ongoing Optimisation and Review

As with all my clients, I will conduct one and three-month reviews to see how the site is ranking for local searches on Google and make further suggestions for how the site’s local SEO strategy can be further developed.

The website is fully optimised for mobile and tablet devices.

WordPress: The Power Behind Effortless Management

WordPress is the secret behind Perfect Day Wedding Flowers’ ability to keep their website current with minimal effort. In web design, this ease of content management is a game-changer.

With WordPress, Perfect Day Wedding Flowers can quickly add new floral creations, update their portfolio, and make small design tweaks without needing technical skills. This agility ensures their website showcases the latest wedding designs promptly.

Additionally, WordPress website design offers a wide range of plugins and tools that enhance functionality without complexity. Whether it’s adding a contact form or improving site speed, these features can be effortlessly integrated.

In summary, WordPress not only delivers an attractive website but also empowers Perfect Day Wedding Flowers to maintain it effortlessly, crucial in the ever-changing wedding industry.

Client Testimonial

Andrew completely redesigned my website, bringing it up to date and exceeding my wishes. He conducted in depth research into my industry to help create to perfect website.
Loren Stonehouse
Loren Stonehouse
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