Web Design case Study

Clinical Psychology Services

Discover how Clinical Psychology Services’ website went from text-heavy to visually stunning, climbing Google & boosting client engagement.
National online therapy with professional clinical psychologists

National Online Therapy Website Design & SEO

Revitalising Clinical Psychology Services’ Online Presence

Client Background: Pioneering Professional Online Therapy

Dr. Jurai Darongkamas leads Clinical Psychology Services, a UK-based professional online clinical psychology practice.

The service offers therapy for a wide range of issues, catering to clients nationally.

Challenge: Enhancing a Dense, Text-Heavy Website

The existing website, although extensive and built on WordPress, lacked visual appeal and was burdened with dense, heavy text.

It required a redesign that built upon the existing work rather than starting from scratch.

Solution: A WordPress Transformation with Enhanced SEO

I undertook the task of rebuilding the website in WordPress, focusing on a cleaner, more attractive design that resonated with the new brand image.

The site was further optimised for business-relevant keywords and UK locations.

I broke down the dense text into manageable sections, incorporated custom-designed templates, and utilised quality photography and client testimonials.

Additional functionality was added to simplify future updates.

Results: A Visually Appealing Site with Improved Google Rankings

The redesigned website is not only more visually appealing but also ranks well on Google.

It has significantly surpassed previous visit and enquiry rates.

The site has received positive feedback from both colleagues and clients.

Conclusion: Crafting a Digital Space for Mental Health Support

This case study demonstrates the impact of a thoughtful website redesign and SEO strategy on a professional online service.

For Clinical Psychology Services, the transformation has not only enhanced its digital presence but also its ability to reach and support more clients across the UK.

National online therapy with professional clinical psychologists
National online therapy with professional clinical psychologists
National online therapy with professional clinical psychologists

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